Monday 18 April 2011

West Virginia

People. Population (2003 est.): 1,810,354; rank: 37; net change (2002-2003): 0.3%. Pop. density: 75.2 per sq mi. Racial distribution {2000): 95.0% white; 3.2% black; 0.5% Asian; 0.2% Native American/Nat. AK; <0.1% Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 0.2% other race; 2 or more races. 0.9%. Hispanic pop. (any race): 0.7%.
Geography. Total area: 24,230 sq mi; rank: 41. Land area: 24,078 sq mi; rank: 41. Acres forested: 12.1 mil. Location: South Atlantic state bounded on the N by Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland; on the S and W by Virginia, Kentucky. Ohio; on the E by Maryland and Virginia. Climate: humid continental climate except for marine modification in the lower panhandle. Topography: ranging from hilly to mountainous: Allegheny Plateau in the W, covers two-thirds of the state; mountains here are the highest in the state, over 4.000 ft. Capital: Charleston.
Economy. Chief industries: manufacturing, services, mining, tourism. Chief manuf. goods: machinery, plastic & hardwood prods., fabricated metals, chemicals, aluminum, automotive parts, steel. Chief crops: apples, peaches, hay, tobacco, corn, wheat, oats. Chief farm products: dairy products, eggs, Livestock (Jan. 2004) 380,000 cattle/calves; 34,000 sheep/lambs: (Jan. 2003): 10,000 hogs/pigs; (Dec. 2003): 2.1 mil. chickens (excl. broilers): 87.2 mil. broilers. Tlmber/lumber (est. 2002): 724 mil bd. ft.; oak, yellow poplar, hickory, walnut, cherry, Nonfuel mlnerals (est. 2003): $168 mil.; stone (crushed), cement (portland), sand and gravel (industrial}, lime, salt. Chief port: Huntington. New private housing (2003): 4,584 units/$580 mil. Gross state product (2001): $42.4 bil. Employment distrlb. (May 2004): 19.7% govt.; 18.5% trade/trans./util.; 8.8% mfg.; 14.7% ed./heaIth serv.; 7.7% prof./bus serv.; 9.3% leisure/hosp.; 4.2% finance; 4.6% constr.; 1.7% info. Per cap. pers. Income (2003): $24.379. Sales tax (2004): 6.0%. Unemployment (2003): 6.1%. Tourism expends. (2002): 1.8 bil. lottery (2003): total sales; $1.08 bil.; net income: $411 mil.
Finance. FDIC-insured commercial banks (2003): 67. Deposits: $13.5 bil. FDIC-Insured savings institutions (2003): 7. Assets: $1.2 bil.
Federal govt. Fed. clv. employees (Mar. 2003): 12,625. Avg. salary: $52,931. Notable fed. facilities: Natl. Radio Astronomy Observatory; Bureau of Public Debt Bldg.; Harpers Ferry Natl. Part; Correctional Institution for Women; FBl identification Ctr. Energy Electricity production (est. 2003. kWh by source): caol: 63.5 bil; Petroleum: 210 mil: Gas: 4 mil; Hydroelectric: 323 mil: Other: 21 mil. State data. Motto: Montani Semper Liberi (Mountaineers are always free0. Flower: Big rhododendron. Bird: Cardinal. Tree: Sugar maple. Songs: The West Virginia Hills: This is My West Virginia; West Virginia, My Home Sweet Home. Entered union June 20, 1863; rank, 35th. State fair at Lewisburg (Fairlea); late Aug. 

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