Monday 18 April 2011


People. Population (2003 est.): 22,118.509; rank: 2; net change (2002-2003); 1.8%. Pop. density: 84.5 per sq mi. Racial distribution (2000): 71.0% white; 11.5% black; 2.7% Asian; 0.6% Native American/Nat. AK; 0.1 % Hawaiian/Pacific Islander; 11.7% other race; 2 or more races, 2.5%. Hispanic pop. (any race): 32.0%.
Geography. Total area: 268,581 sq mi; rank: 2. Land area: 261,797 sq mi; rank: 2. Acres forested: 17.1 mil. Location: Southwestem state, bounded on the SE by the Gulf of Mexico; on the SW by Mexico, separated by the Rio Grande; surrounding states are Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, New Mexico. Climate: extremely varied; driest region is the TransPecos; wettest is the NE. Topography: Gulf Coast Plain in the S and SE; North Central plains slope upward with some hills; the Great Plains extend over the Panhandle are broken by low mountains; the Trans-Pecos is the southern extension of the Rockies. Capital: Austin.
Economy. Chief industries: manufacturing, trade, oil and gas extraction, services. Chief manuf. goods: industrial machinery and equipment, foods, electrical and electronic products, chemicals and allied products, apparel. Chief crops: cotton, grains (wheat), sorghum grain, vegetables, citrus and other fruits, greenhouse/nursery, pecans, peanuts. Chief farm products: milk, eggs Livestock; {Jan. 2004) 13.9 mil. cattle/calves; 1.1 mil. sheep/lambs; (Jan. 2003): 930,000 hogs/pigs; (Dec. 2003): 26.0 mil. chickens (excl. broilers); 601.5 mil. broilers. Tlmber/lumber (est. 2002): 1.6 bil. bd. ft.; pine, cypress. Nonfuel minerals (est. 2003): $2.0 bil.; cement (portland), stone (crushed), sand and gravel (construction),lime, salt. Commercial fishing (2002); $173.3 mil. Chief ports: Houston, Galveston, Brownsville, Beaumont, Port Arthur, Corpus Christi. Principal internat. airports at: Amarillo, Austin, Corpus Christi, DaIlas/'Ft. Worth, EI Paso. Har1ingen. Houston, Lubbock, Odessa, San Antonio. New private housing {2003); 174,170 units/$19.4 bil. Gross state product (2001): $763.9 bil. Employment distrib. (May 2004); 17.7% govt.; 20.4% trade/trans./lutil.; 9.3% mfg.; 12.2% ed./health serv.; 11.1% prof/bus serv.; 9.4% leisure/hosp.; 6.2% finance; 5.8% constr.; 2.4% info. Per cap. pers. income (2003): $29,372. Sales tax (2004): 6.25%. Unemployment (2003): 6.8%. Tourism expends. (2002): $34.2 bil. Lottery (2003): total sales: $3.1 bil; net income: $949.1 mil.
Finance. FDIC-insured commercial banks {2003): 654. Deposits: $112.8 bil. FDIC-insured savings Institutions (2003): 44. Assets: $63.7 bil.
Federal govt. Fed. clv. employees (Mar. 2003): 106,501. Avg. salary: $53,074. Notable fed. facilities: Ft. Hood, Kelly AFB; Ft. Sam Houston; NASA Johnson Space Ctr.; Naval Air Training School; Corpus Christi NAS; Kingsville NAS; Ft. Worth Western Currency Facility.
Energy. Electricity production {est. 2003, kWh by source); coal: 92.9 bil; Petroleum: 1 bil.; Gas: 35.6 bil; Hydroelectric: 796 mil; Nuclear: 15.7 bil; Other: 2 mil.
State data. Motto: Friendship. Flower: Bluebonnnet. Bird: Mockingbird. Tree: Pecan. Song: Texas, Our Texas. Entered union Dec. 29, 1845; rank, 28th. State fair at Dallas; late Sept.-mid-Oct.
History. At the time of European contact. Native American tribes in the region were numerous and diverse in culture. Coahuiltecan, Karankawa, Caddo, Jumano, and Tonkawa peoples lived in the area, and during the 19th cent. the Apache, Comanche, Cherokee, and Wichita arrived. Spanish explorer Pineda sailed along the Texas coast, 1 519: Cebeza de Vaca and Coronado visited the interior, 1541, Spaniards made the first settlement at Ysleta, near El Paso, 1682. Americans moved into the land early in the 19th cent. Mexico, of which Texas was a part, won independence from Spain, 1821; Santa Anna became dictator in 1835; Texans rebelled. Santa Anna wiped out defenders of the Alamo, 1836; Sam Houston’s Texans defeated Santa Anna at San Jacinto, and independence was proclaimed that same year. The Republic of Texas, with Sam Houston as its first president, functioned as a nation until 1845, when it was admitted to the Union.
Tourist attractions. Padre Island Natl. Seashore; Big Bend, Guadalupe Mts. natl. parks; The Alamo; Ft. Davis; Six Flags Amusement Park; Sea World and Fiesta Texas, both in San Antonio; San Antonio Missions Natl. Historical Park: Cowgirl Hall of fame. Fort Worth; l.yndon B. Johnson Natl. Historical Park, marking his birthplace, boyhood home, and ranch, near Johnson City; Lyndon B. Johnson Library and Museum, Austin; Texas State Aquarium, Corpus Christi; Kimball Art Museum. Fort Worth; George Bush Library, College Station.
Famous Texans. Lance Armstrong, Stephen F. Austin, Lloyd Bentsen, James Bowie, Carol Burnett, George H. W. Bush, George W. Bush. Joan Crawford. J. Frank Dobie. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Morgan Fairchild, Farrah Fawcett, Sam Houston, Howard Hughes, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Molly Ivins, Lyndon B. Johnson, Tommy Lee Jones, Janis Joplin, Barbara Jordan, Mary Martin, Chester Nimitz, Sandra Day O'Connor. H. Ross Perot. Katherine Ann Porter. Dan Rather, Sam Rayburn, Ann Richards, Sissy Spacek, Kenneth Stan, George Strait.
Tourist information. Travel Division, Texas Dept. of Transportation, PO Box 149249, Austin, TX 78714-9249; 1-800-8888TEX. Website: Website.

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